New Brunswick Chancellor Search Committee Appointed

September 9, 2016

Members of the Rutgers Community,

As follow-up to my Wednesday e-mail notifying you of Chancellor Richard Edwards’ decision to return to the faculty, I am writing to you today to inform you that I have appointed a search committee for the position of Chancellor of Rutgers University–New Brunswick.  The committee will be co-chaired by Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Barbara Lee and Board of Governors member Frank Hundley. Other members of the committee include the following:

  • Wanda Blanchett, Dean of the Graduate School of Education
  • Stephen Burley, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, School of Arts and Sciences
  • Nancy Cantor, Chancellor of Rutgers University–Newark
  • Paul Falkowski, Bennett L. Smith Professor of Business and Natural Resources and Director of the Rutgers Energy Institute
  • Thomas Farris, Dean of the School of Engineering
  • Robert Goodman, Executive Dean of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and Executive Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
  • Ann Gould, Associate Extension Specialist, Plant Biology and Pathology, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, and immediate past chair of the University Senate
  • Phoebe Haddon, Chancellor of Rutgers University–Camden
  • Nevin Kessler, President of the Rutgers Foundation and Executive Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations
  • Ernest Lepore, Board of Governors Professor of Philosophy, School of Arts and Sciences
  • Krisellen Maloney, Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian
  • Peter March, Executive Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences
  • Felicia McGinty, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, New Brunswick
  • Thomas Stephens, Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, School of Arts and Sciences, and chair of the New Brunswick Faculty Council
  • Sandy Stewart, Vice Chair, Rutgers Board of Governors
  • Brian Strom, Chancellor of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
  • Rebecca Walkowitz, Professor of English, School of Arts and Sciences
  • Cheryl Wall, Board of Governors Zora Neale Hurston Professor of English, School of Arts and Sciences
  • One undergraduate and one graduate student, to be named

Roberta Leslie, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, will serve as staff to the search committee.

The search process will begin early this fall, and I anticipate having a new Chancellor in place for the 2017 fall semester. I will keep you informed of further progress during the coming weeks.


Robert Barchi